Zadi Part Two : Life is Too Long to Have Grudges...

If you read the previous blog, you probably know about the whole Zadi conflict. I can only explain myself as to be outraged at the time because of the personal attacks but I realized that life is just too short to have grudges. Especially, stupid ones like these. I am actually glad now that there is someone that I can talk to regarding blogs because he is also part of the blogger community ( I know the blogger community is a term not used a lot). 

Life appears to me too short to be spent in nursing animosity or registering wrongs.” 
― Charlotte   Bronte

Sometimes views and numbers really get to our heads but at the end of the day they are just numbers. I want you to know Zadi that when I give you advice, it’s from my own experiences. Do take my advice with a grain of salt and if your gut says differently, always go with your gut.

So, Zadi, I am sorry and I want to simply forget this whole conundrum. In fact, I would like to ask you to collaborate with me on upcoming blogs. With your extensive research and my writing skills, I am sure the collaborated blog will be a massive success. 

The topic and format doesn’t bother me long as we are doing it together. 

- Your Friend and Fellow Blogger

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What do you think? Should Zadi and I collaborate? Write down your opinion in the comments below.


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