What’s China’s Real Plan : Domination of World Trade or Destruction of India?

With the whole pandemic arising, only one question comes to every mind. It’s everywhere, social media, news channels and has made it's way to even casual conversations with friends. 

What is China’s Real Plan? 

Theories have come up, people are intrigued and everyone wants to know what is China’s next step. Keep in mind this does not imply that they began the pandemic on purpose but it is proven that they had kept it from us for several weeks. What is the truth? Will we ever know? Well in this blog, I intend to do explain to the best of my abilities the plan that China might have hatched. 

So let’s begin with something we all have been seeing in the news lately. It’s the China - India military standoff. The conditions are intense and it’s an unpredictable ground. Now to understand this situation better we must first understand the Chinese Debt Trap. 

So basically countries that need financial aid but cannot approach The World Bank because they do not fit the criteria will have to resort to taking loans from other, well financially stable countries. In the modern world, that country is China. Now, China funds these countries on development projects like ports, roads etc. But when the time comes to repay these loans, the countries are unable to do so. This is where China steps in and says ‘Don’t worry, you can’t repay us, we will take the piece of land that we have been funding for’. Just like this, piece by piece, China starts owning huge bits of land from the financially unstable countries which they can then use to build potential military bases. They did this with a small country named Djibouti in the Horn of Africa. The military base in Djibouti is named the 

Chinese People's Liberation Army Support Base

and was used to threaten US forces. These countries are forced into these situations. A closer look at the Indian subcontinent and you will figure out that India is surrounded by countries that plead for China’s aid. China has sort of built this line around India by funding countries like Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh so that when China strikes, it doesn’t just strike from one side, it strikes from all. 

Because they know India is rising force. It has the potential to become a forefront in production and manufacturing due to cheap labour and good education. This is why they want India to stay down so that they remain a powerhouse. I know, if you’re a Indian reading this, your blood must be boiling 
already at the thought of China taking advantage from us but the good news is that with this pandemic, more and more countries are starting to distrust China and looking for other countries for production. This is India’s Golden opportunity. If we land this well, we can be looking at a future where the whole world will be investing into India and maybe just maybe, see India become a global powerhouse. 

Now you might be wondering how you can help. You might be wondering it’s all over, China has already won, we are already too dependent on China. It maybe late but we can still flip it around. You see, 8 out of 10 products are made in China but now if we are more careful with the products that we choose, choosing local alternatives instead of Chinese made ones. We can start to break them from the inside. Studies have shown that if we do this, by next year, 5 out of 10 products will be Made in China and the next, 3 out of 10 and so on and so forth. 

We can make a difference, it all starts with you and me. Hopefully this  pandemic  has opened our eyes and given India an opportunity, it’s on India now whether  to take it or not. 

Maybe one day, this dream won't be a dream no more. Share this message with everyone you know to perhaps make India and the world a better place for all.


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