Happy Father's Day

Everyone recognizes and appreciates the jawaan that go out and fight on our borders. But only few recognize and appreciate the jawaan in each household that goes out and fights every single day. 

I am talking about the fathers. While everyone talks to about mothers and their love, fathers are not given the spotlight and when fathers are mentioned in media it's usually criticism and hate. Yes, there are abusive parents out there but for each abusive parent there is a genuinely loving parent who would go to any limits for their children. 

A lot of the times, fathers aren't acknowledged because of the work that consumes most of their lives. But I believe that the very little moments that we do get to spend time with our dads, makes it even more special because of how rare it is. 

The bond of fathers and children is different from that of a mother's. A mother and her child's relationship is very straightforward but a father and child have a telepathic connection, they might not always talk to each other but the connection still remains

It is harder to express things to fathers then it is to mothers. So that is why this holds so much importance to children around the world.

To tell their fathers that they do really love them, even if they might not show it they do really really love them. 


  1. Father is the most lovable and adorable person you said it from your blog. Keep it up good and nice message stay blessed

  2. Great !
    It is such an emotional feeling which is very true for us. You have expressed this feeling which is very touching.


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