Coronavirus: A Extremely Planned Scheme or An Unforeseen Pandemic?

With the rising levels of cases and deaths being reported all around the world. Only one question comes to mind:

How did this disease originate?

A question troubling scientists and virologists alike, not to mention the rest of the world. With the outspread of the virus increasing, a few theories have gained popularity as well as steady belief. Let’s dig in to some of them, shall we?

The first theory which has been blatantly debunked is that the virus was man - made and served as a new forefront in chemical biowarfare. The assumption was that the war of the future will not be done with weapons and soldiers but with hazardous pathogens and viruses that could effect the foe and damage on a massive scale. This would be an effective method of warfare if you think about it because the country dealing the damage would face no casualties. China is a global powerhouse and is competing with the US and Russia among other countries and what country is currently facing the highest reported cases: The US

And what country is currently claiming that the situation is under control: China

Boom! there is motive, there is intention. Along with this theory, there is another quite popular speculation that the virus was man - made as a means of population control. This theory also makes sense since China leads the world when it comes to production and manufacturing. This might have been a scheme to wipe out the non - productive side of the population, the side that does not contribute to the economy in any way.

But as much as we would like to believe these theories, they have been debunked by scientists globally. Virologists have sequenced the genome of the coronavirus and announced that it wasn’t man - made. But even so, why didn’t the Chinese government report it earlier, why did they report it when they did, and why wasn’t strict action taken when officials knew something horrifying was coming their way. The question mark still lies and in my opinion will always remain. Something is being hidden from us, something that they do not want to reveal. A secret they will go to any limits for.


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