
Showing posts from 2021

Subjectivity to Art: A Pillar of Identity

 Art of all kind and form remain through some ways united by viewing and opinion. A person’s work is bound to the words of others, it is but a quintessential process to producing and publishing the very piece. Artists have learnt through experience to listen and even crave to some extent, opinionated individuals who view their work in light of openness, anything can be said, anything can be felt. Reviewing is the transaction of valuable thoughts between the maker and the viewer. It’s significance is displayed many a time throughout history yet up the subjectivity of creation seems to be in a diminished state with the modern works.  External influence on subjectivity could be detrimental to art and all its forms considering that the authority of interpretation stands with no one not even the artist. The work can deciphered to have as many meanings it can without the fear of general consensus. While the themes, modes and material used can be agreed upon, the comprehension of the final pr

A Look At History’s Greatest Fathers

History’s August 31 2018 article titled History’s Finest Fathers state some of the remarkable parental related deeds of many reputed figures throughout history including Czar Nicholas II, Charlemagne, Mark Twain and even the father of modern science, Charles Darwin.  So in light of Father’s Day, let’s make an attempt to break down the qualities listed in their specific paragraphs, a few intriguing similarities arise to the surface and perhaps give us an idea of what the role of a good father actually entails. Sacrifice, Endless Duty and Responsibility are common terms thrown around during the conversation of father figures but what exactly are those sacrifices, duties and responsibilities. Can some acts be considered lower or larger compared to others? Are these norms beneficial to parenting or harmful? And perhaps most importantly, what attributes constitute a good father all in all? From the consortium of personalities in the article, we see that many of the men listed here had broke

Hypocritical Act Potentially Caught: WHO

 On February 9 2020, BBC News published an article carrying headlines of WHO’s official investigation analysis regarding the origins of SARS-Cov-2. Head of the World Health Organization, Peter Ben Embarek claimed that it was “extremely unlikely” that the virus would have been spread through misconducts of any sort from a laboratory in China. At the time, the rather obvious anomaly of the sheer speed with which not only the investigation but also the verdict was passed out should have raised eyebrows at the time. Yet the public majorly dismissed any conclusions that were not deemed official and concurred to the statements issued. The rising spread of the pandemic and the beginning of a global recession could be the reason for the lack of public heed to something as strange as this entire matter. Equanimity should have led us to the right standards of questioning and rational decisions yet disregarding the fastidiousness with which we should have assessed the entire situation, due to our

My Experiences Learning Russian

 I have always been with aquiver to communicate with people from all over the world. Polyglots have always seemed intriguing and are taken for granted by many people. For the people who do not know, Polyglot refers to a person who is fluent in 25 or more languages. And so with this enthusiasm and optimism in mind, I decided to learn a language at the very least conversationally through out the quarantine season.  At the beginning, I genuinely did not have any specific language in mind and just kept on researching. When one day, it struck me. I was watching an episode of The Umbrella Academy when one of the protagonists begins to be interrogated in Russian. Russian I thought, I have always had a fascination for the language from movies, shows and books so I thought to give it a shot.  In hindsight, it is almost comical of me to have thought that a predicament would arise due to the lack of  high quality, easy to understand Russian language lessons on the internet but I couldn’t be furth