Hypocritical Act Potentially Caught: WHO

 On February 9 2020, BBC News published an article carrying headlines of WHO’s official investigation analysis regarding the origins of SARS-Cov-2. Head of the World Health Organization, Peter Ben Embarek claimed that it was “extremely unlikely” that the virus would have been spread through misconducts of any sort from a laboratory in China. At the time, the rather obvious anomaly of the sheer speed with which not only the investigation but also the verdict was passed out should have raised eyebrows at the time. Yet the public majorly dismissed any conclusions that were not deemed official and concurred to the statements issued. The rising spread of the pandemic and the beginning of a global recession could be the reason for the lack of public heed to something as strange as this entire matter. Equanimity should have led us to the right standards of questioning and rational decisions yet disregarding the fastidiousness with which we should have assessed the entire situation, due to our very own poor judgement, we transformed it into a larger fiasco than it should have been. The description of our fatal flaws might seem like an exaggeration but in actuality it merely begins to describe the infinitesimal carelessness which we utilized to proceed.

What seemed like a credible and reliable source of information is now discretely turning into a questionable and potentially Machiavellian scheme. The announcement made by Joe Biden on 27th May 2021, a whole year after the release of WHO’s claim, states a deeper investigation of the origins of the virus and how it could have been a the elucidation of inferior standards within a laboratory in China. Note that these varying and sudden dichotomies in WHO’s statement and President Biden’s took place under two different presidencies, a key factor that should be dually noted as well as paying attention to the investigation that has been launched by Biden. The early attempt to ostracize the theory of laboratory misconduct by WHO is now rising suspicion in the public eye. The investigation could have possibly been perfunctory at best but some suggest that this also could be an elaborate ploy for rather malicious means. As of 27th May 2021, an official statement from WHO has not yet been received in light of it’s previous statements.

What do you make of the current situation, does this seem like an elaborate Machiavellian ploy in an effort to hide something or a perfunctory investigation that was seemingly only conducted to somewhat soothe the public immediately. 


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