Is Sending Kids Back To School A Good Idea?

With summer holidays coming to an end, the choice comes knocking at every parent’s door. Should I send my kid back to school? Is this a good step moving forward or something they will regret soon enough. For some this is the question that keeps rattling around their mind all day long which is why we’re going to be taking a look at some of the pros and cons of the situation at hand and assessing for ourselves whether sending children back to school is a good idea after all. 

Also do keep in mind that I am listing these pros and cons according to my opinion so do take them with a grain of salt.

Pros :- 

1). Studying would actually take place

This might sound absurd at first but think about it. Online learning offers a variety of distractions ranging from devices to simply walking off in a matter of seconds. Students will have a harder time determining which cushion to choose for their nap rather than settling on the topic to write for an essay. 

Given the golden excuse of “my camera/mic isn’t working”, students are given the option to not pay attention to the lesson on a silver platter.

Not to mention that online classes have also become a huge target for trolling among tech savvy teenagers. 

If there is one thing classroom learning can ensure, it’s the lack of distractions students may come across while studying. 

2). Parents have a piece of mind

 Online classes meant children spent more time inside the house and for parents that could turn into a nightmare real quick and real fast. With kids spending more and more time inside, things can get hectic and tiring for parents so at least parents can have a little more time to themselves now although it could also be argued that parents might have more of a hard time worrying about their kids at school than at home. 

Cons :- 

1). Being unsafe is perhaps the most common reason people are unsure about sending there kids to school. No matter how much reassurance is given there are always going to be children out there who cannot look after themselves which in this case could prove lethal to that child and the others around him/her. A minor mistake could possibly risk hundreds of others. 

2). Paranoia 

Like I said before, parents and maybe even students will have this sense of paranoia lurking around their every step especially parents who would constantly be thinking about their child when they are away. 

A parent would obviously be more confident about his child when they can supervise over them and so being paranoid is absolutely justified and another major disadvantage.

3). Transportation fees

This pandemic has already effected the jobs of countless people and has had a massive impact on families around the world which is why more and more parents would rather opt for online learning due to the transportation fees or should I say lack there of.

Although this might seem irrelevant it could play a huge role in parents when deciding should they let their kids back to school. 

And with that we have listed both the pros and cons of sending kids back to school. What do you make of this whole matter? Comment your thoughts down below regardless of if your a parent or not and don’t forget to share this blog with others! 


  1. Am opting for online. This China virus fucked everything up this year.


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