
Showing posts from August, 2020

Is Sending Kids Back To School A Good Idea?

With summer holidays   coming to an end, the choice comes knocking at every parent’s door. Should I send my kid back to school? Is this a good step moving forward or something they will regret soon enough. For some this is the question that keeps rattling around their mind all day long which is why we’re going to be taking a look at some of the pros and cons of the situation at hand and assessing for ourselves whether sending children back to school is a good idea after all.  Also do keep in mind that I am listing these pros and cons according to my opinion so do take them with a grain of salt. Pros :-  1). Studying would actually take place This might sound absurd at first but think about it. Online learning offers a variety of distractions ranging from devices to simply walking off in a matter of seconds. Students will have a harder time determining which cushion to choose for their nap rather than settling on the topic to write for an essay.  Given the golden excuse of “ my came

What would Life Be Like In The Future

With such fast-paced technology and machine capabilities growing day by day, it’s hard to tell what the future holds for us. While there are plenty of theories out there the most common proposition has to be the Robot theory.  This theory states that Robots integrated with AI will surround us in the years to come. They will overtake, supervise and perhaps even dominate as well as control human beings. While only being a theory, it is definitely intriguing how robots around the world are taking over the jobs that would be carried out traditionally by a human.  A study conducted in 20 19 by the group  Observer concluded that by this decade 200,000 workers will be replaced by robots in the banking industry alone.  While most machines have already taken over the manufacturing industry. Humans are still required to supervise it in case of a malfunction of any sort yet most presume that by the next couple of years a new line of machinery will be built that won’t demand supervision riski

Vanilla Sky : A Movie Review

 Vanilla Sky is a 2001 movie starring Tom Cruise, Penelope Cruz and Cameron Diaz among others. The whole story revolves around a selfish and extremely wealthy man David Aames who on the surface seems to be having the perfect life in New York City until everything in his life gradually turns into hell all after meeting one mysterious stranger and a horrifying car accident.  The movie does a great job confusing you with it’s twists and turns along the plot. The sheer confusion of what is going on is shared well between the viewer as well as David himself. For some, the narrative may be a bit to much to catch up with especially if you aren’t paying attention but for those who did understand what was going on till the very end I guarantee you those people would really enjoy this film for what it is. When it comes to rewatching, personally I don’t rewatch a lot of films but I would recommend rewatching Vanilla Sky because watching a second time will give you a better understanding and appre

Soldier Spy - Book Review

The novel ‘ Soldier Spy ’ wraps you into the life of M-15 operator Tom Marcus filled with highly detailed, vivid operator missions, the tragic life of suffering from PTSD and how a operator manages between work and family among much much more.  The book was published on October 6, 2016 and was in fact the first novel to kickstart a line of books written by Tom Marcus, other books in the series include ‘ Capture or Kill ’ and ‘ I-Spy - My life at M-15 ’. A new addition to the series is coming very soon called ‘ Defend or Die ’ that will publish on November 26th, 2020. Coming back to the book itself, it does a nice job on putting you in the shoes of a M-15 operator going through one fatal mission to the other. I highly recommend this book to everyone and anyone who ever wondered what it is like to fight in the shadows for not only a country but the world against those who wish to cause harm along with a very important message towards the end of the book. A short yet exciting read indeed.