Is Democracy Equality?

Democracy has been thought to be the form of government which has always been striving for equality yet despite what the majority thinks, there have always been skeptics around even at the beginning of the concept’s creation. Famous philosophers were doubtful of this new invention called democracy. Stating it as the form of government where three idiots would have more power over one scholar. 

So what would make democracy more equal you ask. Well, the most surface level solution would be to abolish the uneducated from voting. Now, you might think this is unfair but it actually levels the field more than you think. You see taking this step would prevent the rigging of elections to some extent as the uneducated are easily persuaded compared to the educated. It also gives votes more meaning as a whole. Those who vote will have a sense of proper representation of who they are and their rights.

In developed countries proper background and stability checks should be regularly conducted considering how everyone can easily be influenced from something as minor as an article or sentence. 

But does doing all this take away the whole meaning of democracy in the first place? Or has democracy already been taken over by greed? 

Today, I leave you with that question. 



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