
Showing posts from September, 2020

Is Democracy Equality?

Democracy has been thought to be the form of government which has always been striving for equality yet despite what the majority thinks, there have always been skeptics around even at the beginning of the concept’s creation. Famous philosophers were doubtful of this new invention called democracy. Stating it as the form of government where three idiots would have more power over one scholar.  So what would make democracy more equal you ask. Well, the most surface level solution would be to abolish the uneducated from voting. Now, you might think this is unfair but it actually levels the field more than you think. You see taking this step would prevent the rigging of elections to some extent as the uneducated are easily persuaded compared to the educated. It also gives votes more meaning as a whole. Those who vote will have a sense of proper representation of who they are and their rights. In developed countries proper background and stability checks should be regularly conducted consi

My Thoughts on Black Enough: Stories of Being Young and Black in America

 Black Enough: Stories of Being Young and Black in America is a book published on January 8, 2019 and this is significant because given the recent issues of police brutality not only being put on the spotlight in just America but the world and that too on this kind of scale, I am genuinely astonished how not a lot of people are bringing up this book and talking about it.  Coming back to the book, as the title suggests, it’s a compilation of different stories based or inspired from real experiences and instances the authors have faced. Each chapter is a different story and written by a different author focusing on various topics ranging from sexual harassment to code switching and everything in between. So let’s begin to rate and analyze these chapters. Please do note that this is my opinion on the take of the author’s direction. I am not trying to prove or display anything as a fact to anyone. Now that that’s out of the way, let’s begin!  Half A Moon By RenĂ©e Watson  Rating: 9/10 Opini