
Showing posts from July, 2020

Why Heath Ledger’s Joker is Better

In 2019, with the release of the movie Joker came an argument, which portrayal of the Clown Prince of Crime is the better one, Heath Ledger’s Joker in Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight or Joaquin Phoenix’s portrayal in the more recent film and so here is why I think Heath Ledger’s Joker is better, Let’s begin !  1. The less known, the better... Joker gives us a somewhat of an origin story on how the Joker came to be and here is where the problem stems. Part of what makes the Joker such an iconic villain is that his origin story remains a mystery. In Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight, the Joker is seen giving three different backstories on how he got his scars which leaves us to wonder which backstory is the correct one or if any of these stories were the correct one at all. That is the charm of this mysterious figure and in my opinion one of the reasons why Joker is such a great villain is that we are left to keep guessing what his origins could be.   2). Not a Guy with A Plan Heat

Hope is Needed

In a world full of news focusing on the negativity, stress and pain of the situation. It gets hard for anyone to remain positive and look on the bright side but I decided to write this blog to let my readers know that they must remain positive. The race for vaccines has long begun yet most people still remain pessimistic and I am sure you must have encountered this by now.  Yes, I do agree that the situation is bad but isn’t keeping hope what makes us human in the first place. Words like hope and positivity might seem unimportant but in reality they play a vital role during crises. In some instances, hope could also become the deciding factor of whether the conflict can be solved or not. So I ask all of you reading this to spread this bit of hope to everyone you know after all a little positivity goes a long way. In the end, it all depends on the person whether to see the glass half full or half empty but for those who do decide to stay positive I want this message to reach them to

Why Feminism Isn’t Taken Seriously

The question has been raised many times: Why aren’t feminists taken seriously, why is the term feminism looked down upon and what can we do to change it? First, let’s look back at when the term feminism was coined and what it originally meant. The term feminism in mid-1800’s was used to refer to the qualities of females until the First International Women’s Conference in 1892, Paris after which the term was used regularly to believe in and advocacy of equal rights for women.  Coming back to the 21st century, the word has been misdefined and misused on so many levels that finding out the correct definition could become a 2 hour debate. Here is where the first red flag rises, with being misdefined and misused so many times comes miscommunication which ruins the term itself.  You see, so many female chauvinists that just simply want to hate on men have took on the cover of feminist in such a way that the definition itself has changed. Feminism today is mostly seen as a way to hate on men

Experiences of an Atheist

So today I decided to change things up and write about some of my personal experiences and things that I have come across as an atheist so let’s begin.  1). Semi-theist are you now? So the first thing that I have seen countless times is people addressing themselves as ‘semi-theists’ and most of these people define the term ‘semi-theists’ as someone who isn’t necessarily religious but does believe in god. Now that is perfectly fine it’s just that semi-theist isn’t the term for it it’s agnostic. Many of the times people may also mix up semi-atheism with omnism or deism which I also find frustrating. So for the last time let me clear up this misconception.  Atheist - Someone who doesn’t believe in the existence of God or gods.  Deist - Believes in the existence of a supreme being, specifically a creator who does not intervene in the universe.  Omnist - One that believes in all religions although it isn’t necessary for a omnist to practice or follow teachings.  I do not blame people for

The UAE Hope Mission

Amidst this pandemic , I assure you something great is approaching very soon. Something that will not only expand human knowledge but human limitations as well : The Hope Mission of the UAE  A large team of aerospace engineers are currently working on launching a probe that will study weather on Mars and help us understand the planet better. Yes, you read that right, this mission will continue amidst the COVID - 19 pandemic.  This mission isn’t just a representation of reaching new heights but also symbolizes diversity and stands as a proud moment for Arabs around the world because 200 of these engineers are proud Emiratis and 34% of the team are women.  This probe mission has three major  goals :-  1).  Increase our understanding and knowledge of the Martian atmosphere and the Red planet better. 2). Inspire the Arab youth and be able to encourage children to pursue science and technology further.  3). Send a message of hope to Arabs everywhere and give them confidence in kn

The History of Pandemics

With the rise of the coronavirus pandemic, a sudden interest of pandemics in general has swept the public. This blog series will give you a brief overview of pandemics, how it has effected history and possibly our future .  The Plague Of Justinian   The first ever recorded pandemic dates back to 541 ce. The Plague of Justinian was the first ever recorded plague pandemic and had lasting effects on the Byzantine Empire. Originating in Egypt, the plague soon moved in two directions :  north to  Alexandria  and east to  Palestine . The means of transmission for the plague was the black rat which boarded the carts and grain ships sent to Constantinople  as tribute.  The plague hit the streets of Constantinople in 542 ce and gave the locals a sense of it’s wrath .  The Plague of Justinian refers to the ruler at the time, Justinian I .  About 30 to 50 million fell victim to the plague . Although this information could be inaccurate or exaggerated given that records weren’t as well kept bac

The Truth About Our Education System

Firstly I request whoever reads this to share it as much as possible because maybe just maybe it can bring a difference. If you don’t read this blog in it’s entirety, no hard feelings but deep down inside you will get a good idea of who you really are. Someone who ignores wrong-doings and can’t bother for change. So let me ask you this question, are you that person? The Education system has plenty of flaws many of which have lasted decades and if nothing is done sooner it could continue for decades more. Let’s take a look at some of the problems because the first step to finding a solution is always identifying the problem.  Take a look at New York from a 100 years ago to now:- Take a look at fashion from a 100 years ago to now:- Now I ask you to take a look at a classroom from a 100 years ago to now:- Or   Shocking right? In a 100 years the only thing that has changed in a classroom is the introduction of fancy gadgets and machines. In almost a century nothing has changed except the b

Malala Yousafzai: A Story of Courage and Strength

Born in Swat Valley, Pakistan. Daughter to local education activist, Ziauddin Yousafzai and Toor Pekai Yousafzai. No one could even fathom what the girl would grow up to be. This is the story of that girl. This is the story of Malala ... On July 12th, 1997, a girl named Malala was born in the valley of Swat. She grew up along with two younger brothers, Khushal and Atal. She was an ordinary girl of the valley although gifted with a lot of abilities recognized early on. At the age of ten, Malala could already speak Urdu, Pashto as well as English.  But all of that changed in 2007 when the Taliban Fundamentalist Army took control of the area. Putting into motion strict rules like banning television and dance but most importantly they decided that girls couldn’t go to school and women were not to be seen in public places such as markets.  The Taliban destroyed several schools and institutions for girls, threatened locals and the extremism so far to the point that beheaded bodies on the str